Column Limit

Add limit to the columns to control and encourage prioritization when the limit is reached.


The default numbers presented below are considered as a baseline to start off a project or adding WIP limit to an existing project. It can be adjusted based on your team size and velocity.

Determining the Column Limit

Please determine the Total Value Adding (VA): 20 days

Please determine the Total Non-Value Adding (NVA): 10 days

Please determine how many team members: 4

Get the Efficiency

Efficiency = VA / (VA + NVA)

Get the Total WIP Limit

Total WIP Limit = Number of Team Members / Efficiency

Get the % of Total VA

% of Total VA = (VA / Total VA) * 100

Get the WIP Limit for each column

WIP Limit of a column = % Total VA * Total WIP Limit


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