Make use of @mock directive for mocked APIs, list down the potential propagated errors, add a short description to the fields if necessary. For example:
This is a sample
type Account {
Add documentation, if necessary.
name: String!
Additional details to take note of
username: String!
type UpdateMeResponse {
Newly updated account
account: Account!
input UpdateMeInput {
It requires an email verification
email: String
It requires a phone number OTP
phoneNumber: String
type Query {
Checks the current user's details.
### Error Codes
- \`A00001\` - <Error summary>
me: Account @mock
To check other accounts.
Please use \`\` if you want to check the current user's details.
### Error Codes
- \`A00002\` - <Error sumamry>
account(id: ID!): Account @mock
type Mutation {
### Error Codes
- \`A00003\` - Invalid email
- \`A00004\` - Invalid phone number
updateMe(input: UpdateMeInput!): UpdateMeResponse!
Add comments to add more clarity to the fields. For example:
enum CoinDropStatus {
CoinDrop is waiting for transfer confirmation.
CoinDrop is active and can be claimed.
CoinDrop is inactive. The current time is outside the start time and end time.
A maximum number of claims is reached.