User story

A user story is a behavior or feature that a solution needs to implement in order to fulfill the needs, from the user's perspective.

Why should we create it?

  1. It keeps focusing on the user.

  2. It enables collaboration.

  3. It drives creative solutions.

  4. It creates momentum.

Naming title guidelines

Make the title declarative.


Creator announces profile to Bitclout

Writing a description guidelines

Follow this format.

As as <persona>, I <want to>, <so that>.

  1. Persona - can be an Admin, Creator, Recruiter, Manager.

  2. Want to - What the persona wants to achieve.

  3. So that - Why do they need to achieve it.


As a Creator, I want to announce my newly created profile to Bitclout, so that they are aware I signed up on Jamclout.

Add more details to eliminate assumptions.

Acceptance Criteria

Make use of Gherkin's syntax by using GIVEN, WHEN, THEN and many more.

  1. It should be written in 3rd Person

  2. Each step should be declarative

  3. Each should define a scenario

Example(s) Scenario: PENDING requests cannot be approved immediately

GIVEN the request have the status PENDING

WHEN the admin tries to approve it

THEN it should return an error

For more details, Acceptance Criteria.


Not all acceptance criteria that is written under the story card are worth to be written in test automation.

For more details see, Writing an E2E tests

Last updated