
Are large bodies of work that can be broken down into a number of smaller tasks (called stories).

Why should we create it?

To categorize and organize common pieces for the required work into a shippable piece.

When should we create it?

When there are initiatives or features that can be broken into deliverable pieces.

Difference between Epic and the other issue types?

Other card issue types describe a single piece of work, while epics on the other, are used to describe a group of issues related to the same, larger body of work.

Writing the Title

Make it shorter and easy to understand, you can initially name it like this.


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NOTE: However, there are some instances that you want to further narrow down the scope to fit on a release cycle


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Writing a description guidelines

An elevator pitch (value statement) that describes the epic in a clear and concise way.

You can follow this kind of format

For <customers>
Who <do something>
The <solution>
is a <something - the "how">
that <provides this value>
unlike <competitor, current solution, non-existing solution>
our solution <does something better -- the why?>

Last updated